Friday, March 11, 2005

Tossa De Mar, Spain

Today was aight. Got up at 6:30 to see the sunrise, took a shower first, then grabbed Liz and we went out just a bit after 7 to see it. It was too cloudy and there wasn't one, so we just prayed on the beach a bit and then went back to our rooms. I had a really good quiet time and then had a good breakfast with Liz at 8:30. We talked a bit, then went across town to a laundromat and Liz washed a bunch of clothes by hand. That took about and hour and a half and then we got back around noon to make sandwiches for lunch. They were good and we had a nice talk before heading back to the beach. We played frisbie for awhile and then talked on the beach a bit, but it was cold and started raining so we came back around 3. We took some alone time for a few hours and I worked on my computer and lazed around until we met back up around 6. We went out and got some groceries and stuff and then went to dinner at a small, warm, pizzeria. It was really good food and we stayed there and talked for over two hours. :-) It was a lot of fun and then we came back here and continued the talk by "campfire". It was so cold in my room, so we bundled up in blankets and huddled around the portable heater thats in here. It was fun and we chatted a bunch. I'm very tired now though.

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