Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Off For 17 Days

Wow, today was ridiculously stressful. But, thankfully its over and I'm on the train headed to Salzburg, Austria right now. This morning, I was so tired from last night so I just slept in until 8 and then took a shower and met Liz at 8:30 for psalms and then breakfast. Had English class from 9-12 which wasn't all too bad actually. After class, me, Liz, Robin and Andrew went over to the church and had a group Bible study together for the first time. It ended up being extremely awesome and a very nice time that encouraged us all. :) We did that for an hour and then went over to lunch around 1. Lunch was good and then after lunch I started finished up my story for English class. Didn't get too much done before going up to the Pab around 2:30 to pack my stuff for the 17-day trip and then do Liz's laundry and then help her pack and stuff. We finally came back down to the Casa a bit after 5 and then hurridly crammed in work and stuff. I worked on my paper the rest of the evening with a quick dinner break at 7, but I was being constantly distracted by other things so it took me a lot longer than it should have. I finally got it done around 9:30 and by 9:50 we took off for the train station to get on the first train. Tranfered trains in Chiasso and jumped on this awesome sleeper train. I had a minor heart attack tonight because the ticket lady messed up my reservation and made it for tommorow night and the ticket man at first wasn't going to let us on, but I pleaded my case a bit and thank the Lord there were two vacant couchettes for us to sleep on, so he let us take them! So, we're all in one piece now and they are very comfy and this train is very quiet as well. I can't wait to get some rest! :)

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