Thursday, October 28, 2004

Digging A Ditch

that I am, that I am. So...tired. :-/ Got up at 7 this morning, had a really good breakfast and quiet time and stuff in 2 Timothy 2. Got done around 8:15, then tried to be productive, but was so tired, I kept dosing off to sleep. :-/ Really set the mood for my day...the day that just would not end. Got off to class at 10:10 and it was blah. We got back our OS tests today and I got a 60. :-( Then went to the library between classes and started looking up some more Europe destinations. Around 11:30, Liz dropped by and brought me a bagel from Au Bon Pain. She's the best ever, it was so great! :) :) Then went to Stats class at 12:20. McGill was basically like, "okay, I don't want to do much, so I'm just going to go over the test, so if you did well, please just leave and enjoy your afternoon." I got a 91, so I was like, okay, and left about 5 minutes into class, lol. Went back to the library to find Liz and then we walked over to Hancock and chilled together a little before her work at 1. Then for the next 2 1/2 hours I hung out there and researched information on Europe some more on my laptop. This is a big task to find places to go because there are so many sweet things to see! At 3:30 Liz got off and we chilled together a little before Italian class at 4. Italian was painfully dull today. Ugh. Finally ended, I went home, scarfed down a really random dinner, then went out to Awana. It went fairly well. Games were fun as always, then I b.s.ed my way through the lesson for the JV boys, but it turned out okay after all. :) Then after Awana, I went over with Steve C. to Tim's house and watched game 4 of the World Series on his 70 inch "T.V.". He "borrowed" a projector from the school and made a wall of his house into a screen. It was sweet! :D The Red Sox won 3-0 and it was awesome! First time they've won a Series in 86 years. :) So that was a lot of fun, and I just got back from that about 30 minutes ago. I'm so friggin tired, I just want to crash so badly right now!

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