Saturday, October 30, 2004

Counting Train Cars

Man, well, today was great. :) :) Got up at 7 and had breakfast/quiet time and then just had a really, really awesome prayer time. It was so good, I needed it so badly and I just really figured some things out and set some stuff on the table. :) So that was fabulous, then I cleaned the house awhile to get ready for the party tonight. Then went off with John at 10 to play golf. We drove up past Roanoke to a course called Abbey Plantation and teed off around 11:15. The course was really purdy and a lot of fun. We played a really competive round for the most part. I shot 91 and he shot 88. Only reason he beat me is cause he birded a hole that I double-bogied...thus the 3 shot difference. :-/ It was good times though and we finished up around 3:30. Stopped in Roanoke briefly on the way back and then got home around 5. Quickly went to work at preparing burgers for the party and such at 6. So a little after 6 people started rolling in for my "End of Daylight Savings" party. I was trying to be creative and not just make it a "Halloween" party like every other party, but I think I lost most people in my lingo. :-/ oh well. Lots of peeps showed up anyhow and we had good times. Grilled up a bunch of burgers and dogs and such and everybody chilled out for awhile. A lot of people left around 9 and then me and Tim played Goldeneye on the Nintendo for a long time and it was quite fun. :D I finally beat him once also!! w00t! Tim left around 11 and then I went around and cleaned up the mess from the party. Wasn't all too bad though. I'm soooooo tired from today though, I can't wait to crash in 5 minutes. :D Plus, I get 1 HOUR EXTRA SLEEP!!!!!! I don't think I've ever been so stoked for the end of daylight savings time before!! :H

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