Sunday, May 30, 2004

good times :-)

Today was really nice. I slept in without setting an alarm and just kinda woke up whenever, which ended up being about 10. Then I went off to play golf at about 11:30. I only played 9 holes again because it got way too busy by the time I was making the turn. The weather was absolutely gorgeous! Best day weather-wise in recent memory. I played very well except for my first drives. I couldn't hit a drive to save my life! I think I took a mulligan on every single drive, then shot a 38 off of my 2nd drives, haha! I got done a little before 2 then went over to Wal-Mart to pick up some stuff for camping and fishing. Then came home, played on the computer a little. I intended to go back to the course and play another 9 at 4:00 but ended up falling asleep. So I napped until a bit after 6 then tried to figure out something to do. Finally I got talking to Curt and we decided we'd go out. So he came and picked me up around 7:30 then we tripped around the area for an hour or so trying to find somewhere to eat. We took his jeep with the top down and it was so nice! It was possibly the perfect evening, it was so beautiful! We finally decided we would try out Baylee's. It was really, really good and I liked the atmosphere there a lot. So that was fun eating there, and we left around 10 or so. We didn't know what to do so we made a rather random decision to go down to the river by Eggleston. It was a great decision! We found a nice little spot on some rocks next to the river and down in between some mountains. It was so beautiful!! So we just sat there and smoked cigars and talked about life for a couple hours. It was a lot of fun. The whole atmosphere was just so chill and perfect, it made me remember how nice life and nature can be. So by the time we left it was like 1:20am or something ludicrous. Just got back in and doing this quick blog before I pass out!

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