A lot of snow had fallen Friday night and Saturday morning. This was taken around mid-morning while it was lightly snowing.

Not long after that, it was snowing hard again! White out!

We were around 19 inches in the early afternoon Saturday

Our new skylights were covered!

Liz with her car

Me with my car

Knee-deep snow

The back deck looked silly

It was quite difficult to walk in so much snow!

Liz with a backwards dive into the snow

Me with a backwards dive into the snow

sooo comfortable :)

nose dive!

Liz diving/stumbling off the deck

The final tally Saturday night- 24" (2 feet)

Beautiful sunrise Sunday morning

I'm not sure where our cars are!

Mid-day Sunday the sun came out and it was gorgeous

Lovely snow

I'm sure we just put two new skylights on the roof...where did they go?

House and my car buried

After 4+ hours of shoveling, we're dug out!

I'm tired!


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