Sept 22-24
Dave weekend! It was a good weekend indeed. Liz and I went to the DMB show on Friday night and had a great time. We met up with Kerri and Jared at Panera bread before the show for some dinner. The show was a lot of fun. Liz and I were right up in the front row, just left of Dave. Very cool. :) The show started off pretty slow, but it really got fun and crazy by the end. I got finally hear Proudest Monkey. :) To close the first set, they played the best Two Step I've ever heard. It was outrageous! A special note goes to Rhyme and Reason which they played with Joe Lawlor on electric guitar and John D'Earth on trumpet. It sounded incredible. Had a fun time that night. Saturday, Tim and Tony came down to hang out. We went downtown to the mall area and met up with Jason for lunch at Christian's Pizza and of course some gelato at Splendora's. :) Had a good time down there and then came back to our place later on in the afternoon to start grilling. We had a great time hanging out in the backyard eating meat and then went over to the DMB show. Me and Liz's seats weren't that great this time. We were way up to the side of the stage. It was an interesting view. The show was really crazy. My my calculations, it was the 2nd longest show they've ever played, missing only by 2 minutes! And if it wasn't for the bizarre creepy trenchcoat guy who breached security and got up on stage at the very end, they had Last Stop on their setlist to play also! Crazy night! They played Seek Up as the second song which made me really happy too. Nancies->Warehouse blew the roof off. It was a fun show, except for the end. The trenchcoat guy scared everyone including the band. I've never heard a crowd so silent and blank-staring coming out of a Dave show before...On Sunday we went to Portico for church and then had a big breakfast with the guys before they had to leave for the weekend. Good weekend. :)

Sept 27
It was a beautiful Wednesday evening and I was needing to get outside, so we went to try out Ragged Mountain which is close by. We had trouble finding it and got there late, but we got to hike up a little bit. I was hoping for an overlook, but there wan't much of one. :( Oh well, it was still pretty and nice to be outside. :)

Sept 29-31
Another busy and fun weekend! Doug and Laura came up to visit us on Friday night. We hung out with them and had a nice night. On Saturday, we all got up early and droe out to Kings Dominion. Today was Northrop employee appreciation day there, so we all got in for $18 and there were hardly any lines! We had a great time and hit up most of the rides, especially the wood coasters. :) We left around 5 and came back and went downtown to show them our area and of course got some Splendora gelato. :) Then picked up some stuffed crust Pizza Hut pizza and hung out for a bit that night. Sunday, Doug and Laura had to leave early before church. Liz and I enjoyed church at Laurel Hill that day.

Oct 3
We celebrated our 4-month wedding anniversary on this day. We used our free meal that we won at the Richmond Braves game and ate at Applebees. It was very good and lots of fun. :)
Oct 6-8
This weekend continued our trend of busy weekends. I worked overtime all week which made me tired, but I was able to only work 3 hours on Friday. I took off early and Liz and I drove down to North Carolina. We went to Mema's that night and spent some fun time with her, eating pizza and playing Scrabble. :) On Saturday morning, I drove over to Greensboro area to meet up with Steve C. I spent the day having fun with him. We had some good Indian food, walked around UNCG, drove around, visited the mall, etc. Then we watched like four movies in a row which was pretty fun and went to bed late. Sunday morning, we each made a Thai dish for breakfast and then downed 2/3 a gallon of milk and a lot of water! We watched Office Space while eating too. :) I left there in the early afternoon and drove back to Mema's to pick up Liz. We left there and drove to Blacksburg. We met up with Liz's family and had a fun but quick dinner with them at Subway and then drove on back to C-Ville.

Oct 10
I got home and the weather was so nice out! Liz had a fun idea and we drove off to have a picnic! :) We drove around for awhile trying to find the perfect sunset spot, but it was really hard. There's not much public land around here and the land that you can use, you can't see the sunset from! We finally settled down on a small dock on Albemarle Lake which was pretty and enjoyed a romantic dinner together. :-)

Oct 13-15
We finally got a down weekend in! It was a good one. Friday was pretty chill; I think we watched Adaptation. We spent a good part of the day on Saturday shopping for various things which went well. Sunday was lots of fun. We had a good service at Laurel Hill and then we drove up to Skyline Drive. It was the perfect day for it- so beautiful! We spent all afternoon checking out overlooks and slowly driving around. We also took a small, easy hike which was nice. :) We stopped as the sun went down and had a nice picnic dinner. At night, we got out my telescope up on a mountain to try and find the Comet Swan, but it was too hard to see and the lights of Waynesboro didn't help. I did get to spot a Lowes sign and a McDonald's sign though! :-P

Oct 19-22
My birthday weekend! It was one rockin' party! :) My birthday was on Saturday, but we started the party on Thursday. Liz made me and AMAZING maple, brown sugar, pumpkin cheesecake. :) It was delicious. We hung out and watched the World Series some and had a fun night. Friday after work we chilled for a bit and then went out for dinner at Fellini's downtown. It was so nice. The atmosphere was really nice complete with live piano. :) Somebody had reserved our seat so they moved us to a cozier seat and gave us free dessert! :-D The food there was amazing and we really enjoyed our stay a lot. I think we were there about 2 1/2 hours. :) We walked around downtown a little bit afterwards, but it was cold. Then came back and had a pre-party for me and I opened some cool gifts from Liz. At midnight, we put on the Little Mermaid which Liz had rented. That was a lot of fun. :-) Saturday was my birthday! My parents, Kristin, and Gussie all came down to celebrate. It was also Sperry's 50th anniversary celebration, so we all went over to my workplace and got to enjoy that. There was great food, games, and I got to take everyone on a fun tour of the work area. Normally, I can't get anybody in there, so that was neat. :) Gussie really enjoyed it a lot too. Then we took a driving tour of UVA and C-Ville which was neat. Afterwards, we came back to our place for more partying. I opened a million presents from my family and we had some cake and good times. :) They all had to leave in the evening. Liz and I were pretty worn out and I think we got to bed early that night. Sunday service at Laurel Hill was great. We thought about going to Skyline Drive again after, but we were really tired out and just hung around resting all afternoon. :)

Oct 24
We headed this evening to the UVA campus and watched a very cool play called Scapin. It was a little off-color, but overall was quite amusing. :) It was a fun evening and nice to get out and do something a little different around here. :)

Oct 26-28
Another visiting weekend! We went down to Blacksburg this weekend. Originally, I had wanted to camp and go biking with the guys, but it rained a lot this weekend and was freezing, so I cancelled that. :-( We got down there early Friday afternoon after I worked a half-day. Liz spent some time with Rebecca and I drove circles around BBurg. Then we spent the rest of the evening with Liz's family having a nice time. We ate pizza and watched The Godfather until pretty late. :) Saturday was really chill for me. I woke up late and lazed around. Liz left to have lunch and shop with Rebecca. I spent the afternoon with Doug playing Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory, which was pretty fun. :) Late in the afternoon, we all went for a walk around their neighborhood. Had dinner that evening with her family and we all watched The Bodyguard which was a decent movie. Sunday was chill too. We went to Harvest for church and had fun catching up with lots of people there. After church, had lunch with Liz's family. Then spent some time in the afternoon draining excess oil from my engine and then packing up. We went over to Kristin's around 5 for her party! She is in my old Oak Manor townhouse now and it looks amazing with 4 girls living there! Its soon clean and well decorated; I could hardly recognize it!! We had a fun time partying there. Dan, Doug, Laura, Curt, Betsy, and Kristin's roomates were all there. We grilled some good burgers and hot dogs and Kristing made some amazing treats and cake. :) We all enjoyed watching The Burbs. Liz and I also had a nice time chatting and catching up with Curt and Betsy. I'm so glad they came. :) The party ended around 8:30 and then Liz and I went back to her house to say goodbye and then drove out to the shop to say goodbye to her dad. We finally left town around like 10:30 and drove back pretty late! I slept in on Monday!

Oct 30-31
On Monday, we spent some time carving out our first pumpkin together. Being such nerds, we decided to make the face an emoticon smiley. :-) Exactly. It turned out great and we had fun making it. Tuesday was Halloween and we got about 120 kids here! It got crazy for awhile! We had a lot of fun seeing the cute small kids and stuff though. :)

So, that's a quick summary of all our highlights lately. We've been going to Laurel Hill consistently for about a month now and have really enjoyed it and have enjoyed starting to grow some relationships with the people there. :) We went to a Sunday evening and a Wednesday evening service also and got to meet people that way. :)
Of note too, for something different, we watched a lot of baseball in October between the playoffs and the World Series. Good times. :-)

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