Sunday, September 26, 2004


closing off my day with some great Panic tunes. Mmmm. :P Today was okay I suppose. Woke up at 7, had breakfast and some quiet time to kick off my day, then started coding at 8. Coded from 8am-6pm with a little lunch break. Ugh! It sucked so bad, but I'm pretty sure my project is done now for the most part. I need to throw a few more minor things in tommorow, but I think its okay. I hate CS. :-/ Had dinner a bit after 6 and then I was going to spend the evening coding also, but then Tim persuaded me to go out with him and live a little. I'm glad I did so I didn't go totally insane. We went downtown to Champ's and watched the Red Sox beat up on the Yanks which was most enjoyable. :D Then a couple of his buddies came out around 11 and we went over to The Underground and hung out for a couple hours and played darts and stuff. It was pretty fun. Not really my cup of tea to go bar hopping, but I made the most of it and had some fun. But now I'm REALLY tired and pretty much screwed as far as work tommorow goes. Oh well, who cares, lol. :) In other news of note, I didn't get to see Liz today for the first time in 15 days. :**-( So sad...hehe. Actually, it was fine, I've been way too overly blessed to be able to hang out with her so much lately, so no matta. Time to crash...

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