Well, since early July when I was last on here, nothing major has really happened. Liz and I have continued to slowly move in, decorate the house, and get used to living life together and establishing things as a couple. It's been fun and certainly challenging at times, but I'm encouraged in the direction we're headed. :)
Work at Sperry has been going well and I've been keeping busy. It's still been a struggle getting used to 40 hours/week again and some days I long for the free college schedule. But, its becoming normal to go to work again, so that's good I suppose.
We still haven't met many people down here yet. Our next door neighbors were nice, but they've moved off now. We met a nice couple around our age that live near us and graduated from Tech too. Liz has been hanging out with Kerri a lot and we're looking forward to having dinner with them next week. Other than that though, we've been enjoying lots of time to ourselves.
For churches, we're still trying some out and narrowing down our choices. We're kind of debating whether to pursue a more traditional church or a more contemporary church with a younger crowd. We have solid choices on both ends, so that's good. Today we were trying a new church, but wandered into a black baptist church by accident, but didn't realize it until we had almost sat down. So, not to be rude, we stayed half the service. It was definitley a new experience for me, but cool in some ways. :-P We caught the last half of the service at Portico, the church we wanted to try also and it was very nice.
Overall, we've had a fun summer together. We've been getting out and jogging around our neighborhood a lot and taking long walks and stuff, so that's been nice. We haven't explored CVille all that much, but I hope to more in the future. We've tried some restraunts around here and had some nice lunches out and at home. We usually eat together each Wednesday for lunch. We also have been keeping up a solid weekly regimine of ice cream, chocolate, meat, and movies. We're like little kids, finally allowed to make our own choices. Being married is sweet. :-P Liz makes the best meals for us. Greatest wife ever!
Shadow has been doing well with us. She's made better friends with Liz for the most part, but still gets jealous a little bit. She loves the play around this house and lounge in the sun of the big sliding glass door in the back. :)
We've done some other bigger fun things. Liz was gone for almost a week in mid-July and when she came back I planned a big dinner and fun things for us to do all weekend. :)
We had some fun dinners together in July, including a big thing of Spaghetti while we watched Jungle Book and Finding Nemo. I grilled up some incredible steaks one night too and we ate outside in the beautiful evening.
The last week of July, Steve W came down from Pennsylvania on his way to the beach. Him, me, and Liz went out to Meadowcreek golf course and played nine holes of golf in the evening which was a lot of fun. I hadn't played since like October! It was pretty bad. :P After golf, we all ate great Chinese food at the buffet by our house.

The first weekend in August, we went out to Richmond and saw a Richmond Braves minor league baseball game which was fun. A foul ball came right back at us at one point, smacked off the seats behind us and fell directly towards Liz's head. I grabbed it out of mid-air with my bare hands to save her life! It was a good night, topped off with great hot dogs, nachos, and shakes on the way home.

The second weekend in August, we went down to Blacksburg for Liz's friend's wedding and had a nice time there. We also has some nice visiting/relaxing time with friends and Liz's family and a fun lunch at El Rodeo with my family on Sunday.

The following weekend, we went on Thursday over to Richmond and saw Bela Fleck and the Flecktones play along with Umprey's McGee and some other band. It was a pretty nice show and we enjoyed doing something a little different.

That Friday, I took Liz on an adventure drive about 30 minutes west out into the country. We found an off-road, brought out some chairs and sat there watching the sun go down and relaxing a lot. :)

This past week has been a lot of fun for us. Monday, Sperry hosted a bowling night for employees and we rolled 3 fun games there. I told Liz how to play and she did great and beat me 125-122 in the last game! Tuesday we took a long walk around our area. Wednesday, we broke out the bikes for the first time here and rode around for awhile in the evening. Thursday, we played nine holes of golf over at Meadowcreek. Liz made her first par ever on the final hole! She played really great once she got some confidence up. I was very impressed. Pretty soon we'll be competing. :P
On Friday, we drove out towards the west again, but this time went a different road over towards Sugar Hollow Reservior. There is a nice path there and we hiked up the mountain about 45 minutes to this neat little cove were water flows down a creek and then lands and makes this big pool about 12 feet deep. It was crowded at first, so we hiked a little longer and ended up in Shenandoah National Park. :-P We came back 20 minutes later and the party of drinking UVA kids were gone and it was quiet. We slowly got into the ICE COLD water and then swam around for a brief while. :P It was actually very refreshing and a lot of fun.

Last night (Saturday) we ordered the new Sicilian Meats pizza from Papa John's which was pretty excellent and watched The Godfather all evening. Good times. :)

So, overall, life is good. Just chillin' and looking forward to the fall. :)
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